Op het schoolfeest op 26 mei was ons thema " ik ben ik" , waar we de talenten van de kinderen in de verf zetten. Een knipoog naar ons project internationalisering waar iedereen uniek is ' learn together to live together'. Ouders konden de talenten van hun kinderen op foto doorsturen en die werden opgehangen op onze speelplaats voor het schoolfeest. We hadden een echte talentenboom waar de talenten van alle klassen stelselmatig opgehangen werden.
At may 26th we had a big festivity at our school, it was all about the subject " I am I ". We wanted to show off with all the talents our kids and classes have. Of course it was a the idea came because of our international project where our main focus is ' learn together to live together'. Parents could send pictures of their kids and their talent to the school, those pictures were shown during that day. We also had a real tree with all different kinda talents. After each dance 2 kids from the 6th grade added a talent to the tree.
At may 26th we had a big festivity at our school, it was all about the subject " I am I ". We wanted to show off with all the talents our kids and classes have. Of course it was a the idea came because of our international project where our main focus is ' learn together to live together'. Parents could send pictures of their kids and their talent to the school, those pictures were shown during that day. We also had a real tree with all different kinda talents. After each dance 2 kids from the 6th grade added a talent to the tree.
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