Op woensdag 20 juni hadden we grootouderfeest bij de kleuters van de derde kleuterklas. Alle grootouders kregen een uitnodiging en we hadden een talrijke opkomst. Eerdere jaren was het niet altijd makkelijk voor grootouders om te komen maar er waren maar liefst 13 van de 17 kindjes hun grootouders aanwezig. Kindjes die geen grootouders hadden werden met veel warmte opgevangen door de andere grootouders. Een ouder en iemand van de vriendenkring kwamen helpen bij het snoepkraam. De grootouders deden 12 verschillende postjes met hun kleinkind + vriendjes die niemand hadden. Bij het verhalenpostje was er zelfs een oma die bleef zitten om verhalen voor te lezen aan de kleuters. Het was een groot succes en iedereen was meer dan tevreden. We hebben niet alleen ouders nodig in de klas maar ook grootouders zijn een meerwaarde of kunnen een handje toesteken in de klas, op uitstap of bij dergelijke schoolactiviteiten. Elk helpend handje telt.
On wednesday 20th of june we invited all the grandparents from the 3th year of kindergarten.
They all got an invitation and it was a big succes, a lot of grandparents came. Though in the past it wasnt always easy for them to come now we had 13 kids from a class with 17 kids whose grandparents came over. Kids who didn't have any grandparents were guiden through the games by the other grandparents. They all took care of eachother! De grandparents could do 12 different games with their grandchild and their friend ( or a buddy they had to take care of). We had a story corner where grandparents could read stories and one grandma stayed there to read to other kids and even other grandparents. We don't only need parents in our classes when we need help but grandparents are also very important. They can help during activities in our classes or when we go on a daytrip. Every helping hand counts!
On wednesday 20th of june we invited all the grandparents from the 3th year of kindergarten.
They all got an invitation and it was a big succes, a lot of grandparents came. Though in the past it wasnt always easy for them to come now we had 13 kids from a class with 17 kids whose grandparents came over. Kids who didn't have any grandparents were guiden through the games by the other grandparents. They all took care of eachother! De grandparents could do 12 different games with their grandchild and their friend ( or a buddy they had to take care of). We had a story corner where grandparents could read stories and one grandma stayed there to read to other kids and even other grandparents. We don't only need parents in our classes when we need help but grandparents are also very important. They can help during activities in our classes or when we go on a daytrip. Every helping hand counts!
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